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investments | Questions related to investments

Here is a list of questions and answers about investments. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can surely click on ASK and post your own question. Please feel free to ask anything you need. Although users have different needs about investments, we can all help each other to clarify some doubts regarding financial advice and investing strategies.


Has anyone else heard of it please???

Banking and insurance - 07 August at 04:59 - by marlamad - 11 answers - 1086 views

Healthcare investment good idea?

Private sector investment in new products and services is essential to maintain the NHS.

investor investment
Banking and insurance - 03 August at 21:30 - by Clare_G - 5 answers - 1814 views

paralympic team

Can I invest in paralympic team?

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 01 August at 17:47 - by Steve_Gaskell - 6 answers - 4366 views


I’ve been seeing a lot of publicity recently about collectables. Any comments would be appreciated please.

Miscellaneous - 01 August at 10:15 - by garybar2n1968 - 8 answers - 2134 views

Social Media Marketing Company

Should I invest in a Social Media Marketing Company?  I have been approached to invest in one of these Social Media Marketing Companies which seem to be all over my Facebook and Instagram.  Is it the future or is it just an old fashioned pyramid scheme?

help investor investment
Finance - 29 July at 22:41 - by leoheaps - 20 answers - 1891 views

Inherited the Family Jewels

I have been lucky enough to inherit all the rings and necklaces from a long line of family.  Some of the diamonds are clearly huge, and I will get them valued anyway, but some of the rings themselves are snapped, and some are just so tiny I can't believe they would fit anyone.  Should I sell them as they are? Or should I get the diamonds taken out, and sell them separately?

Precious stones and metals - 28 July at 10:00 - by executive2018 - 15 answers - 2428 views

Global Great Hotels, too good to be true?

Hi there, just back from a holiday in Spain as we do every year but this year we have discovered a system offered by a company called Global Great Hotels. Apparently if you become a client you get unlimited holidays (some even for free!) AND an excellent return on your investment.

My husband convinced me to sign in and we love the idea but I am having some doubts as it seems to good to be true... Does anybody here have any experience with them?

company income
Real estate - 27 July at 12:55 - by mrsbettan - 55 answers - 5097 views



stock finance
Finance - 26 July at 11:11 - by investingchoice - 11 answers - 2523 views

Legal Marijuana

I have seen a lot of write ups lately about the new legal marijuana boom and although it looks very interesting I am still not sure if it’s totally legal.

Miscellaneous - 25 July at 20:13 - by patevergreen99 - 18 answers - 1515 views

national pension system

Should I invest in national pension system?

investor investment savings
Banking and insurance - 23 July at 21:42 - by manEdinburgh - 6 answers - 1600 views

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