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  • 30 August at 16:48 - by louise - 3116 views


Ive heard that prices are really cheap in Magaluf and Im thinking about buying there but am a bit worried about the recent right ups about bad tourists. Do you think it will be a good idea to buy there??? TIA. Louise

3 Answers

I wld defo not by there cos we went their on holiday and it was dead rough and like lots of drunk ppl and not respecting the buildings and stuff so my advise wld be no maybe look at Menorca.

14 September at 11:41 - by Investglexu

what are you looking at buying?  an apartment? a villa? I think you should think about looking at other locations in Majorca maybe?

15 September at 10:20 - by stephanie-leigh.cj

an apartment as I saw one over there for about 100,000 euros and I thought it would be a good investment.

17 October at 16:57 - by  louise
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