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  • 25 April at 22:00 - by knkl74512 - 4115 views


Is copper bullion a viable investment for the future?

5 Answers

Copper? My God!!! NOOO!!! At least I don't think so. I'm sticking with silver. Silver has much better intrinsic value than copper!!!! You have to have a lot of copper to be able to make money off!

25 April at 22:15 - by jenniferbrooke

Jenniferbrooke get informed before writing!! I’ve found this article.. It’s very interesting!

26 April at 10:45 - by AaronDavis

AaronDavis are you the author of the article???? It's a forum and I think everyone is free to give his opinion. I gave mine you like it or not…

26 April at 10:56 - by jenniferbrooke

I'm just saying that your answer has no argument. I don t want to argue and less in a forum. The next time before writing you could think a little. Byeee and good luck

with your silver :) :) :)

26 April at 14:00 - by AaronDavis

it was not my intention to create arguments, I'm sorry. AaronDavis Thank you, I will read the article and see if I find my answer!

28 April at 12:33 - by  knkl74512
Answer the question

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