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savings | Questions related to savings

Here is a list of questions and answers about savings. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can surely click on ASK and post your own question. Please feel free to ask anything you need. Although users have different needs about savings, we can all help each other to clarify some doubts regarding financial advice and investing strategies.

How to invest the savings of my entire life?

I have been working all my life (since I was 16), I am retired now and I would like to invest some of my life savings to leave something worthy to my kids

investor investment savings
Banking and insurance - 10 May at 05:47 - by rod.b.urkey - 14 answers - 1964 views

Saving or investing?

I’ve been working for nearly 8 years and I think the time has come for me to do something with my savings. I don’t have much time to decide where to invest money and I’m a newbie, so I need your help and suggestions because I’m a little afraid of losing it. Should I invest money or is it better to put some cash into a savings account???

Many thanks for your time and knowledge!

help suggestion investor
Banking and insurance - 23 May at 13:29 - by alexpho - 9 answers - 1833 views

Private Pension

I am thinking about starting a private pension but really don’t have much knowledge about it at all. Can anyone out there give me some advice please?? Thanks.

advice savings bank
Banking and insurance - 01 June at 05:34 - by brittapete - 8 answers - 1735 views

Savings accounts ... Investment

Hi there! What is a good option to invest money than keeping in a savings account?

option investor investment
Banking and insurance - 09 July at 04:42 - by PhilipS - 7 answers - 2928 views

Is it better to save or invest?

We don’t have a lot of money to spare but have a little bit put aside and of course we would like this to be more. Some colleagues have suggested that we invest rather than continue to save but we are not sure so any advice would be welcome!

advice investor investment
Banking and insurance - 18 July at 00:05 - by nigelblue.1 - 7 answers - 2323 views

national pension system

Should I invest in national pension system?

investor investment savings
Banking and insurance - 23 July at 21:42 - by manEdinburgh - 6 answers - 2045 views

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