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income | Questions related to income (1)

Here is a list of questions and answers about income. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can surely click on ASK and post your own question. Please feel free to ask anything you need. Although users have different needs about income, we can all help each other to clarify some doubts regarding financial advice and investing strategies.

Is it too late to invest in Bitcoin?

I have read many articles on the Internet about the benefits of investing in Bitcoin, and I wanted to know your opinion on this matter because I am not so convinced anymore.

I know that last year Bitcoin was one of the best investments an investor could make but lately I have the feeling it will come to an end. What do you think? Is now a good time to invest in Bitcoin?


profit investor investment
Cryptocurrencies - 22 March at 09:03 - by Irene_M - 6 answers - 4514 views

Can a full property be converted into real estates periods?

I´ve heard quite recently about real estate periods. Even though I have partial knowledge on the subject, it seems that it brings much more advantages and benefits than a full property. I bought a house in Marbella some months ago and I have to admit that if you want to rent it on your own on a weekly basis, it is very complicated… and I don´t find the local estate agencies are neither helpful nor effective. None of them so far has been able to tell me if this system can be applicable to an individual property owner.


property profit real estate
Real estate - 23 March at 16:34 - by jonathan_wilson - 17 answers - 3609 views

Global Great Hotels, too good to be true?

Hi there, just back from a holiday in Spain as we do every year but this year we have discovered a system offered by a company called Global Great Hotels. Apparently if you become a client you get unlimited holidays (some even for free!) AND an excellent return on your investment.

My husband convinced me to sign in and we love the idea but I am having some doubts as it seems to good to be true... Does anybody here have any experience with them?

company income
Real estate - 27 July at 12:55 - by mrsbettan - 55 answers - 8127 views

Care Home Investments

I have been looking at various managed investments for about £60k.  I have seen advertised various companies offering roughly 8% return over a period of time.  Has anyone any experience with this sort of thing?

investor investment company
Miscellaneous - 10 September at 08:02 - by username4 - 9 answers - 3525 views

St Kitts and Nevis

I have the opportunity to invest in real estate in the Caribbean:  does anyone know anything about St Kitts and Nevis? It's investing $250,000 but it allows the use of the villa, 4 passports, no income tax or capital gains.  It's only a thought, as it looks appealing. No bashing, please.

property taxes profit
Real estate - 01 October at 12:06 - by arthur.3 - 8 answers - 3458 views

Help with lodge in Northumberland

My parents have just bought a lodge in Northumberland.  They have paid an extortionate amount of money for it and I am worried.  They have a certain number of weeks they can use, and the rest are rented out and they get the rental income.  10% of what they have paid which works out at £30k annually. Then a 5 year buy back guarantee.

profit money income
Real estate - 04 October at 15:18 - by bertram-K - 19 answers - 5923 views


I have heard that fine Whisky is a good investment.  I am looking for a small-time investment and the entry level is £5000.  I am looking at a 15% return, and selling after 5 years making a 132% profit.  Does this sound too good to be true to anyone?

profit investor investment
Miscellaneous - 06 October at 17:00 - by Scott-HW - 8 answers - 4401 views

Liverpool real estate

I have always wanted to own an apartment in Liverpool, and I have had an email regarding a new development at the Central Docks hotspot.  They are offering them for £137,393 with a 6.4%net income. Has anyone got any experience with this?

profit income
Real estate - 18 October at 19:51 - by chris999 - 12 answers - 6145 views


So I found this really weird investment on the internet:  lean hogs. Does anyone know anything about them? I got a bit confused if I'm honest, but the return actually looks good and it's a well-established market, apparently.

market investor investment
Miscellaneous - 21 October at 17:59 - by JeffW2116 - 8 answers - 5393 views

High Return Investment Funds

Asking for my mum is investment funds the way forward?

fund investor investment
Finance - 30 October at 11:45 - by RoBlake - 6 answers - 4397 views

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