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Expired Domain Names

  • 07 November at 05:28 - by anna-snow - 3336 views


Does anyone know anything about expired/unregistered domain names?  Am thinking of buying some to sell later on.

11 Answers

Yes, if you can find any useful ones

08 November at 15:00 - by JeffW2116

A bit late to the party mate

08 November at 16:49 - by investbeginner

Was asking as they are coming back

08 November at 16:58 - by  anna-snow

What do you mean mate?

09 November at 04:18 - by investbeginner

If you look, people who registered them originally have let them go due to no one wanting them so you can pick them up really cheaply at auctions but I haven’t tried it yet, so i wondered if anyone else had

11 November at 10:20 - by  anna-snow

Ahh i see where ur coming from

11 November at 11:07 - by JeffW2116 sold in December 1999 for $7.5million!

12 November at 09:34 - by  anna-snow

Brilliant and cheap way to invest if you can get hold of the right names and also be prepared to wait but that doesn’t really matter as you won’t have invested a lot in the first place,  definitely recommend and also if you look at the expired and also the .com and .net also the .con as people frequently typo, so you would get a lot of traffic. There are so many areas and none of them need to cost much/anything!

13 November at 05:39 - by candycarrots

Wow that’s really helpful, I’ll defo look into that!  Thanks!!

13 November at 06:53 - by  anna-snow

hi all me again I need some advice again please.  I have recently started my own business, and I wanted to purchase the domain name applicable to it as it ironically, following the previous conversation been purchased.   I applied to the agency as it was for sale but over the last 8 months or so have been completely unsuccessful cos the vendor just won't respond.  does anyone have any advice for me at all?

21 August at 12:33 - by  anna-snow

this is a really tricky one.  Just read this thread and you and the others are correct in that for very little money it is actually a really good investment but being on the sharp end of it it is also very frustrating.  People buy these things then forget about them and often there is absolutely nothign you can do really I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

05 September at 12:33 - by KCSTL
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