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Real estate | Questions related to Real estate

Here is a list of questions and answers about Real estate. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can surely click on ASK and post your own question. Please feel free to ask anything you need. Although users have different needs about Real estate, we can all help each other to clarify some doubts regarding financial advice and investing strategies.

Investing in Student Let Accommodation

Hi there. I have recently been offered the opportunity to invest in Student Let Accommodation at Liverpool University.  I have done some online research and found real contradictions in people's experiences...could I get some pure investor-oriented advice?

investor investment
Real estate - 08 August at 08:00 - by supervesting - 20 answers - 3920 views

Global Great Hotels, too good to be true?

Hi there, just back from a holiday in Spain as we do every year but this year we have discovered a system offered by a company called Global Great Hotels. Apparently if you become a client you get unlimited holidays (some even for free!) AND an excellent return on your investment.

My husband convinced me to sign in and we love the idea but I am having some doubts as it seems to good to be true... Does anybody here have any experience with them?

company income
Real estate - 27 July at 12:55 - by mrsbettan - 55 answers - 8109 views

Real Estate - Crowdfunding

What do you think about invest in real estate crowdfunding?

property real estate investor
Real estate - 12 July at 07:44 - by austin.wright - 6 answers - 3415 views

Is buying golf shares a good investment?

Is buying golf shares a good investment?

share equity finance
Real estate - 11 July at 13:07 - by oakley2013 - 15 answers - 5322 views

Is buying a vineyard a good investment?

Is buying a vineyard a good investment?

Real estate - 06 July at 22:00 - by brandon6210 - 14 answers - 3242 views

Real Estate - Stocks

Which is the better investment : real estate or stocks?

property real estate investor
Real estate - 19 June at 16:00 - by Emily59 - 19 answers - 3252 views

Holidays and investment at the same time?

Hello to all users, I hope this message finds you well.

My name is Edi and I am writing to you because I would like to discuss something I have recently discovered. In one of the articles available on this website I read something about investing in real estate periods. How different is this from the timeshare system? What is your opinion on this matter? Is it truly possible to make a good investment and enjoy holidays at the same time?

Many thanks for your comments.

property difference real estate
Real estate - 12 June at 17:06 - by EdiWalker - 29 answers - 3732 views

Info about real estate periods

Can someone explain what 'real estate periods' are?

property real estate asset
Real estate - 22 May at 17:20 - by Vita-Krnac3 - 16 answers - 3590 views

Real estate investment Netherlands

Hello there.

After selling my company in the U.K. I would like to invest some money in real estate. I’ve heard Netherlands is a good place to get a start. What do you think? Are real estate investments in Netherlands profitable or rather risky? Thanks in advance.


property real estate investor
Real estate - 30 April at 05:45 - by TJm0m0306 - 14 answers - 3689 views

What steps should I take to purchase a property in Spain?

Good morning, this is Austin. The point is that I am thinking of buying a second residence in Majorca because we always have to rent different apartments whenever we go there on holidays, and we want to have something of our own. Nonetheless, I think that the procedure for buying a house in Majorca is different from the one in the U.K. Is that true?

I would really appreciate some guidance.

Thanks in advance.

property difference procedure
Real estate - 09 April at 17:24 - by austin.wright - 20 answers - 3868 views

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