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Info about real estate periods

  • 22 May at 17:20 - by Vita-Krnac3 - 3664 views


Can someone explain what 'real estate periods' are?

16 Answers

You can holiday in any hotel of the chain at no cost and also anywhere else through a private travel center, their prices on flights and hotels are better than what can be found online. Every year you can give your property back to the hotels so that they can rent it for you, just like condo hotel but the commission is lower. In my case, it paid off my loan, it really works well and we always get a high standard of service and accommodation. At least it’s how it works with global great hotels. 

I would recommend having minimum premium level with them as it gives a lot of benefits

25 May at 06:12 - by edinem

Sounds good edinem! What is Premium level?

25 May at 14:24 - by samuel-burton.1968

I think it’s when you own 3 periods. We have 5 and often get free trips (flights + hotel)

26 May at 08:11 - by edinem

Not easy to explain, it’s more or less like condo hotel but you don’t buy the whole hotel room. This blog mentions it a little bit:

29 May at 20:48 - by katie.jrobert

Thanks katie and edinem! Now I have a clearer picture of what 'real estate periods' mean

30 May at 09:40 - by  Vita-Krnac3

Hi everyone, I am new to investing in general and I have been left some money which I wasn't expecting.  I;m really excited and nervous at the same tine becaue I want to invest it and  I came across this chat and it seems that there are some interesting comments about real estate periods and such.  I ask becasue as it seems we are comming out of lockdown i for one am desperiate to go on holiday so the idea of even free holidays i think i saw somewhere on here plus investment at the same time really appeals i look forward to hearing from you all

01 April at 10:08 - by Pinky

hey great to hear from you I swear we should start our own forum lol laugh

03 April at 07:24 - by edinem

that would actually be helpful

03 April at 07:24 - by Pinky

haha I don't think enough people would be interested would they?

16 April at 01:19 - by edinem

au contraire mon cher I think it's a great idea ther are so many chats on here I think people really are interested enough

22 April at 06:51 - by samuel-burton.1968

back to your question, and to reference a couple of other conversations I can't remember whether I've had on this forum or another one, real estate periods are predominantly an American idea (insert joke here lol) and as per my comment above you have holidays and investment.  We own with a hotel chain called Global Great Hotels (have a look at we take our investment with them very seriously and like to tell people as we get a great service from them especially through the pandemic.

07 May at 07:36 - by edinem

ok but what about free holidays?wink

11 May at 10:58 - by Pinky

that comes with the level of ownership you have with them so the more you invest the more perks you get, in a nutshell.

22 May at 12:37 - by edinem

it's not just them though is it?  You have Marriott, Hyatt et al you can invest with you just own with them?

02 June at 12:38 - by samuel-burton.1968

true, I have no experience with the others but there are other programmes out there too

11 June at 01:59 - by edinem

I see.  Ok thanks then guys!

22 June at 05:16 - by Pinky
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