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Precious stones and metals | Questions related to Precious stones and metals

Here is a list of questions and answers about Precious stones and metals. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can surely click on ASK and post your own question. Please feel free to ask anything you need. Although users have different needs about Precious stones and metals, we can all help each other to clarify some doubts regarding financial advice and investing strategies.

Investing in Art

I love the idea of buying a piece of art to appreciate and also have as an investment, or am I being too idealistic?!

investor investment purchase
Precious stones and metals - 28 October at 03:10 - by titch272 - 7 answers - 4184 views

Should I invest in high fashion?

I was thinking of investing in a high end fashion piece such as a Channel handbag, but it seems that really I can't use it, and they don't actually accumulate in value unless they are completely unmarked ergo you can't use them.  However, whilst researching I found that it's acutally a really good time to invest in high fashion companies. Is anyone an investor?

investor investment company
Precious stones and metals - 12 October at 09:16 - by 3ark - 9 answers - 6641 views

Investment in African minerals is a good deal?

Investment in African minerals is a good deal?

Precious stones and metals - 22 August at 21:52 - by jacobjake68 - 10 answers - 3887 views

Inherited the Family Jewels

I have been lucky enough to inherit all the rings and necklaces from a long line of family.  Some of the diamonds are clearly huge, and I will get them valued anyway, but some of the rings themselves are snapped, and some are just so tiny I can't believe they would fit anyone.  Should I sell them as they are? Or should I get the diamonds taken out, and sell them separately?

Precious stones and metals - 28 July at 10:00 - by executive2018 - 15 answers - 7315 views

Art - Investment

What do you think about investing in Art?

investor investment
Precious stones and metals - 20 July at 03:28 - by Daniel-Brown - 13 answers - 4368 views


How Do I Choose Investment-Quality Rubies?

investor investment
Precious stones and metals - 23 June at 17:00 - by RoyParker - 6 answers - 4275 views

Investing in Silver

We are thinking about investing in silver but don’t have much experience in this field. Any advice/experiences would be very welcome so we can get started.

advice investor investment
Precious stones and metals - 22 June at 09:40 - by jennyjames - 8 answers - 4689 views


I want to invest in Gold, is it a Good Investment ?

gold investor investment
Precious stones and metals - 18 June at 14:28 - by taylor.milton - 6 answers - 5160 views

Is this the right time to invest in gold?

I am new in the investment world, and I always thought that gold was a good way to start. What can you tell me about it?

gold investor investment
Precious stones and metals - 13 June at 16:20 - by grimshawl - 5 answers - 7639 views


I have just inherited a lot of gold jewellery and as I don’t know anything about this market was wondering if it’s a good idea to keep it or sell it now.  I’ve heard that gold gets a good price today and especially old gold?? Any ideas please?? Thanks.

market gold
Precious stones and metals - 05 June at 14:02 - by Aryan111 - 5 answers - 4987 views

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