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Miscellaneous | Questions related to Miscellaneous

Here is a list of questions and answers about Miscellaneous. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can surely click on ASK and post your own question. Please feel free to ask anything you need. Although users have different needs about Miscellaneous, we can all help each other to clarify some doubts regarding financial advice and investing strategies.


Which is the better stock to buy now? NETFLIX or HBO

stock finance purchase
Miscellaneous - 14 August at 16:12 - by Wayne.-M - 6 answers - 4872 views

Electric Cars: are they definitely increasing in value?

I have heard that electric cars are going up in value.  Should I buy one?

Miscellaneous - 12 August at 00:18 - by janeuk-1971 - 13 answers - 4443 views

paralympic team

Can I invest in paralympic team?

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 01 August at 17:47 - by Steve_Gaskell - 6 answers - 10088 views


I’ve been seeing a lot of publicity recently about collectables. Any comments would be appreciated please.

Miscellaneous - 01 August at 10:15 - by garybar2n1968 - 8 answers - 5490 views

Legal Marijuana

I have seen a lot of write ups lately about the new legal marijuana boom and although it looks very interesting I am still not sure if it’s totally legal.

Miscellaneous - 25 July at 20:13 - by patevergreen99 - 18 answers - 3589 views

Wine - investment

Is wine a solid investment?

Miscellaneous - 23 July at 13:37 - by brandon6210 - 6 answers - 8623 views

Is it a good idea to invest in cars?

Is it a good idea to invest in cars?

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 19 July at 18:34 - by Kungfumassive - 9 answers - 6653 views

Classic Car Collection

I’m a big classic car fan and although I know a lot about them as machines I don’t know anything about the market in general. I know they cost a lot and people like them but I don’t know if it’s a good place to invest some of my hard earned cash or not. Any advice would be appreciated.

advice market investor
Miscellaneous - 15 July at 19:05 - by benjamin-wood - 8 answers - 7055 views

Is a Hermes Birkin bag a good investment?

I just got one and sincerely i dont like it but i heard that it was a good investment : can someone give me his opinion?

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 13 July at 11:00 - by CheriThomas - 6 answers - 6113 views


Is investing in rare postal stamps a good idea? Can you get good returns?

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 04 July at 06:38 - by Aryan111 - 7 answers - 4425 views

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