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Miscellaneous | Questions related to Miscellaneous

Here is a list of questions and answers about Miscellaneous. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can surely click on ASK and post your own question. Please feel free to ask anything you need. Although users have different needs about Miscellaneous, we can all help each other to clarify some doubts regarding financial advice and investing strategies.

Can I invest in an invention. Is it a good idea?

Hi all, I have recently been following this forum on Facebook, and there was a post about investing in inventions.  I am really interested in this as I am myself an inventor.  I therefore wondered if you can get investment for an invention?

Miscellaneous - 20 Dicember at 07:22 - by bertram-K - 16 answers - 0 views

Craft Beer investment

Anyone any clue about Craft Beer investing?We love drinking it and are thinking about investing in it…

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 27 November at 19:00 - by Scott-HW - 9 answers - 6458 views

Investing in the British Beauty Industry

I am very keen on British beauty products and was thinking of putting my money where my mouth is and investing.  Any advice welcome.

advice investor investment
Miscellaneous - 26 November at 10:08 - by ready123 - 8 answers - 21981 views

Investing in Toys

Some say toys are a sound investment.  Should I look into it?

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 24 November at 16:53 - by neptune675 - 9 answers - 6801 views

Online Dating Sites Investment

Should I invest in online dating sites?  I am interested in the Match Group which owns Tinder, OKCupid, Hinge, etc etc.

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 22 November at 17:03 - by Kim_EW - 10 answers - 7296 views

Online Gaming

Online gaming I have read is a great investment right now?  With the likes of Grand Theft Auto and Candy Crush generating £Billions is anyone involved?

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 21 November at 13:53 - by John.R - 10 answers - 5913 views

Investing in Private Number Plates

 I own and use two private number plates, and it occured to me, they might be a good place for further investment.  Thoughts, please.

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 19 November at 16:51 - by andrew32johns - 11 answers - 9005 views

Vegan Investing

Plant-based or vegan investing has become a thing in the US, with firms such as Impossible Foods which is back by Bill Gates and Google, disrupting the market, does anyone have any previous with this topic?

market investor investment
Miscellaneous - 15 November at 07:21 - by Karl46 - 16 answers - 6177 views

Baby Products - a good investment

As the baby product market is booming I am told, this is the time to invest.  But where and what in?

market investor investment
Miscellaneous - 12 November at 05:01 - by Josh-1Carlson - 8 answers - 4658 views

Vintage stamps

I am a self-confessed nerd.  I am interested in vintage stamps, and I have read that they could be a great investment.  Please does anyone have anything to share?

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 25 October at 00:02 - by alan.b - 6 answers - 5899 views

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