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investment | Questions related to investment (4)

Here is a list of questions and answers about investment. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can surely click on ASK and post your own question. Please feel free to ask anything you need. Although users have different needs about investment, we can all help each other to clarify some doubts regarding financial advice and investing strategies.

What’s good to invest in at the moment?

There are so many different sectors/companies advertising their wares these days that I find it very confusing. So basically I am asking for some good advice on where to start please.

advice difference investor
Finance - 10 July at 04:17 - by jlouiseprk - 17 answers - 4621 views

Real Estate - Crowdfunding

What do you think about invest in real estate crowdfunding?

property real estate investor
Real estate - 12 July at 07:44 - by austin.wright - 6 answers - 3427 views

Is a Hermes Birkin bag a good investment?

I just got one and sincerely i dont like it but i heard that it was a good investment : can someone give me his opinion?

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 13 July at 11:00 - by CheriThomas - 6 answers - 6113 views

Classic Car Collection

I’m a big classic car fan and although I know a lot about them as machines I don’t know anything about the market in general. I know they cost a lot and people like them but I don’t know if it’s a good place to invest some of my hard earned cash or not. Any advice would be appreciated.

advice market investor
Miscellaneous - 15 July at 19:05 - by benjamin-wood - 8 answers - 7055 views

Is it better to save or invest?

We don’t have a lot of money to spare but have a little bit put aside and of course we would like this to be more. Some colleagues have suggested that we invest rather than continue to save but we are not sure so any advice would be welcome!

advice investor investment
Banking and insurance - 18 July at 00:05 - by nigelblue.1 - 7 answers - 2323 views

Is it a good idea to invest in cars?

Is it a good idea to invest in cars?

investor investment
Miscellaneous - 19 July at 18:34 - by Kungfumassive - 9 answers - 6653 views

Art - Investment

What do you think about investing in Art?

investor investment
Precious stones and metals - 20 July at 03:28 - by Daniel-Brown - 13 answers - 4368 views

national pension system

Should I invest in national pension system?

investor investment savings
Banking and insurance - 23 July at 21:42 - by manEdinburgh - 6 answers - 2045 views

Social Media Marketing Company

Should I invest in a Social Media Marketing Company?  I have been approached to invest in one of these Social Media Marketing Companies which seem to be all over my Facebook and Instagram.  Is it the future or is it just an old fashioned pyramid scheme?

help investor investment
Finance - 29 July at 22:41 - by leoheaps - 20 answers - 2111 views

Healthcare investment good idea?

Private sector investment in new products and services is essential to maintain the NHS.

investor investment
Banking and insurance - 03 August at 21:30 - by Clare_G - 5 answers - 5853 views

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