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investment | Questions related to investment (0)

Here is a list of questions and answers about investment. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can surely click on ASK and post your own question. Please feel free to ask anything you need. Although users have different needs about investment, we can all help each other to clarify some doubts regarding financial advice and investing strategies.

Is it too late to invest in Bitcoin?

I have read many articles on the Internet about the benefits of investing in Bitcoin, and I wanted to know your opinion on this matter because I am not so convinced anymore.

I know that last year Bitcoin was one of the best investments an investor could make but lately I have the feeling it will come to an end. What do you think? Is now a good time to invest in Bitcoin?


profit investor investment
Cryptocurrencies - 22 March at 09:03 - by Irene_M - 6 answers - 4514 views

Investing in cryptocurrencies

I have been investing in the stock market for quite a long time and now I want to invest in other things that may not earn a dividend but may rise in value over time. I have been told cryptocurrencies are one of the best ways to get what I am looking for so I wanted to ask for some advice.

I understand it is really hard to know when the bubble will end but is it safe to invest into cryptocurrencies nowadays?

Thanks for your opinions!

stock market stock market
Cryptocurrencies - 09 April at 15:55 - by investingchoice - 7 answers - 6355 views

Best cryptocurrency to invest in for 2018

I am a newbie in the investing world and I would like to know which are the best cryptocurrencies to invest in (besides bitcoins).


Elisabeth Investing

profit investor investment
Cryptocurrencies - 07 May at 10:03 - by elizabethinvesting - 7 answers - 4688 views

What type of precious stone should I invest in?

I would like to collect some precious stones with the aim of selling them in the future. However, whenever I look for some information on the internet, nobody has the right answer. There are so many factors to be considered before making an investment that I am kind of lost.

What type of stone would you recommend that I invest in? Gold? Perhaps diamonds? I need something which increases its value with the pass of the time.

Awaiting your replies. Thank you. 

Jordan B

help gold investor
Precious stones and metals - 28 March at 06:31 - by jordansbulls - 5 answers - 3535 views

Will 2018 be a good year to invest my money in gold?

My husband and I have some money saved and I do wonder whether we could spend that money better. I have always believed that buying gold is a safe investment and that the worst thing that could happen is selling it for the same price you paid for it. Still, we would like to learn more on this subject.


Rebecca Mills

gold investor investment
Precious stones and metals - 30 April at 22:11 - by rebecca-mills62 - 4 answers - 4286 views

Real estate periods in Europe

We have been searching on the internet and, regarding real estate periods, there are a large number of timeshare companies. Are they a good choice? We would like to invest in this sector but we need some feedback first.
Thanks in advance for your help, ‌
property help real estate
Real estate - 23 March at 10:46 - by samuel-burton.1968 - 21 answers - 3512 views

Holidays and investment at the same time?

Hello to all users, I hope this message finds you well.

My name is Edi and I am writing to you because I would like to discuss something I have recently discovered. In one of the articles available on this website I read something about investing in real estate periods. How different is this from the timeshare system? What is your opinion on this matter? Is it truly possible to make a good investment and enjoy holidays at the same time?

Many thanks for your comments.

property difference real estate
Real estate - 12 June at 17:06 - by EdiWalker - 29 answers - 3745 views

Real estate investment Netherlands

Hello there.

After selling my company in the U.K. I would like to invest some money in real estate. I’ve heard Netherlands is a good place to get a start. What do you think? Are real estate investments in Netherlands profitable or rather risky? Thanks in advance.


property real estate investor
Real estate - 30 April at 05:45 - by TJm0m0306 - 14 answers - 3700 views

Investment in diamonds, how to choose them

I have been told that buying diamonds is an excellent investment, but I don’t know anything about them. Is it better to buy small or large? Are transparent or colored more valuable? Can someone suggest-recommend something?

Thanks for your help

suggestion investor investment
Precious stones and metals - 18 May at 04:12 - by BrianWhiteInv - 4 answers - 3720 views

How to invest the savings of my entire life?

I have been working all my life (since I was 16), I am retired now and I would like to invest some of my life savings to leave something worthy to my kids

investor investment savings
Banking and insurance - 10 May at 05:47 - by rod.b.urkey - 14 answers - 1964 views

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