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Here is a list of questions and answers about company. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can surely click on ASK and post your own question. Please feel free to ask anything you need. Although users have different needs about company, we can all help each other to clarify some doubts regarding financial advice and investing strategies.

Real estate periods in Europe

We have been searching on the internet and, regarding real estate periods, there are a large number of timeshare companies. Are they a good choice? We would like to invest in this sector but we need some feedback first.
Thanks in advance for your help, ‌
property help real estate
Real estate - 23 March at 10:46 - by samuel-burton.1968 - 21 answers - 3512 views

Business takeover Spain

Hello everyone,

I will definitely go to Spain to open my own business in a few weeks. I have always been self-employed so it should not be a problem. However, I am having a hard time getting to know how a business takeover works in a foreign country. Is there someone who has already taken over a business in Spain and can help me?
Thank you
help real estate company
Finance - 02 April at 14:00 - by alanphinvst - 27 answers - 4042 views

Real estate investment Netherlands

Hello there.

After selling my company in the U.K. I would like to invest some money in real estate. I’ve heard Netherlands is a good place to get a start. What do you think? Are real estate investments in Netherlands profitable or rather risky? Thanks in advance.


property real estate investor
Real estate - 30 April at 05:45 - by TJm0m0306 - 14 answers - 3700 views

What’s good to invest in at the moment?

There are so many different sectors/companies advertising their wares these days that I find it very confusing. So basically I am asking for some good advice on where to start please.

advice difference investor
Finance - 10 July at 04:17 - by jlouiseprk - 17 answers - 4621 views

Global Great Hotels, too good to be true?

Hi there, just back from a holiday in Spain as we do every year but this year we have discovered a system offered by a company called Global Great Hotels. Apparently if you become a client you get unlimited holidays (some even for free!) AND an excellent return on your investment.

My husband convinced me to sign in and we love the idea but I am having some doubts as it seems to good to be true... Does anybody here have any experience with them?

company income
Real estate - 27 July at 12:55 - by mrsbettan - 55 answers - 8127 views

Social Media Marketing Company

Should I invest in a Social Media Marketing Company?  I have been approached to invest in one of these Social Media Marketing Companies which seem to be all over my Facebook and Instagram.  Is it the future or is it just an old fashioned pyramid scheme?

help investor investment
Finance - 29 July at 22:41 - by leoheaps - 20 answers - 2111 views

High interests ISAs

Hi everyone, I really need some experienced advice.  I have £20,000 that I want to put in an ISA, but there are so many different companies out there.  I want my money to be safe, and I want to get at it again in the short term. What does everyone think are the best options?

advice difference money
Banking and insurance - 02 September at 02:01 - by GaiL.N - 15 answers - 3635 views

Care Home Investments

I have been looking at various managed investments for about £60k.  I have seen advertised various companies offering roughly 8% return over a period of time.  Has anyone any experience with this sort of thing?

investor investment company
Miscellaneous - 10 September at 08:02 - by username4 - 9 answers - 3525 views

Investing in yachts

I was just at the Southampton Boat Show and someone suggested I buy a share in a yacht.  It was a quarter share and you had it for a certain time annually. The company would take  care of the maintenance etc dry docking if necessary blah blah but you had the usage along with 3 other investors.  Would like to hear any experience?

investor investment share
Miscellaneous - 04 October at 18:44 - by Ronnie.S - 7 answers - 8173 views


I am looking at investing in truffles.  The company I am looking at is a science and technology company.  You can invest from £33,000 and you invest in the trees which are husbanded and grown in a sort of hydroponic environment then start producing truffles anywhere from year 3 to year 12.  You sell after 15 years to avoid the French tax system and reap not only an ROI of 545% but also that the land the trees are planted on will have gone up in value. Are there any fellow investors on this forum?

taxes investor investment
Banking and insurance - 08 October at 07:24 - by stephensweetDis - 14 answers - 3583 views

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